These volumes present color information for every single episode from the first 26 seasons of The Simpsons (1989-2015, 574 episodes, 17.7M frames). Each page is a single episode, in a unique data representation, produced by a software process with varied input parameters.
This project belongs to a large suite of works (including murals, prints, books & video) reorganizing and manipulating episodes of The Simpsons - as data - in related, but varied ways. The overall project represents the synthesis and unification of my amalgamation work (Playboys, Homes, etc.) with my color-averaged frame work (Titanic, EAO, etc).
By varying parameters, the software process produces compositions capable of a huge breadth (all the ways) of data representation. Most importantly, it maps a contiguous space inhabited by these previously distinct styles.
We're currently exploring these frames and audio tracks with deep networks...more to come.